Hi, I am Alx.
I do things and stuff with code.

"Talk is Cheap, Show me the Code"

Special Skills

Network Guru

OSCP, Security+, Network+ Certified. 
Over 2 years of professional penetration testing with the US National Guard.
Sql, Oracle, and PHP databases are things I work with on a daily basis.

Less Talk, More Code

Very familiar with C#, Powershell, and HTML/PHP. I also have been known to develope apps in C++, Java, and other common languages. I am lazy in the best ways, I make programs to make my job easier while becoming more efficient. 

Only as good as the hardware

Building custom water cooled computers, to delidding CPUs for my server racks to push the most of out of them. I do everything from inside a machine, to the wires leading up to them. Running Ethernet/Fiber, tipping ethernet and coax, and making everything not just function well, but look like a work of art.



A+, Network+, Security+


Networking and CyberSecurity Degrees
2.5 Years and 2 Degrees from WGU
2 Years of Generals at CVTC
High School Grade 2014

Freelance reputation

Building websites, custom programs, and other IT related tasks has allowed me to build a reputation.  Including members of Best Buy for tools I made within the company.